WordPress Instagram feed for creating charming galleries of Instagram images. Take the advantage of an all-new multipurpose responsive Instagram feed for displaying various photos from Instagram with a great number of possibilities to determine necessary resources and to set up additional filters.
Instagram Feed WordPress Plugin Features
- The number of Instagram sources is restricted only by your desires
- Add any combination of usernames, hashtags, locations or Instagram post URLs
- Use additional conditions to filter Instagram photos
- Exclude specific photos or photos which contain the specified hashtags or which refers to the certain authors or locations with “except” filter
- Filter Instagram photos by @username, #hashtag, location or specific photo with “only” filter
- Specify required number of loaded images to restrict their count with “limit” option
- Define how long the photos will be cached in browsers’ local storage with “cacheMediaTime” option
- Adjust width of your website Instagram feed for WordPress
- Make Instagram gallery plugin responsive to adjust it to any screen
- Set the number of columns and rows in the grid
- Choose the appropriate gutter between photos
- Specify the responsive breakpoints to set the columns, rows and gutter in the grid depending on a window width
- Choose one of two feed layouts: slider or grid
- Select one of post templates: tile or classic
- Set the call to action buttons to encourage your visitors to perform the actions you need (buy a product, register at your service or contact you)
- Each UI element is Retina ready
- Automatic image scrolling with autorotation mode
- Adjustable animation speed
- 21 languages support
- Select the action on image click. Open the image in popup, open the image on Instagram in a new browser tab or do nothing.
- Activate/deactivate slider navigation controls: arrows and drag.
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